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Inside the JSON race-file

The race server produces a race-file when you download a race, which you must do in order to run the race. It contains a description of the race and each of the buggies that was entered into it.

You do not need to know this for normal operation of buggy-racing project!
This information is for you (or your students) if you (or they) are customising the race-player or customising the race-runner.

When you run the race, the race-runner produces a new version of that race-file that contains the detailed events of the race. It also updates the buggies so each now contains a race-position and (where appropriate) the violations-str.

After running the race, you upload the race file. The race server reads the results from the race file and updates the database. The results for all races are displayed on the race server (unless you’ve opted to hide them — see editing races).

When you replay a race, the race-player reads the race-file and animates the events described within it.

Fields in the race file

Field Value
race_file_url The URL (if known) of the source of this race file
title Title of the race (shown wherever race is displayed)
description Description of race (displayed to students)
cost_limit Buggy cost threshold for entry in the race
max_laps Number of laps for the complete race
track_image_url URL of the background image (2:1 “landscape”) for the racetrack
track_svg_url URL of the SVG containing path that is overlaid on the image
league Races can be grouped into leagues (not currently used)
version String identifying the race-runner used to create this file
start_at Timestamp of the public start time of the race
raced_at Timestamp when the race was actually run
buggies_entered Quantity of buggies entered in the race (length of buggies array)
buggies_started Quantity of buggies that were not disqualified from the race, i.e., starters (if the race has been run)
buggies_finished Quantity of buggies that finished the race (if the race has been run)
buggies Array of buggy entries: see below
events Array of “event second” entries: see below

Fields in the buggies entries

The buggies field consists of an array with an object for each buggy. The order of the buggies is not significant.

Field Value
username Identifying string for the buggy: normally this is the user’s username, but may be an anonymised unique string if IS_USERNAME_PUBLIC_IN_RESULTS was set to No
user_id Corresponding user ID on race server
flag_color Primary flag colour for this buggy (CSS colour)
flag_color_secondary Secondary flag colour (CSS colour)
flag_pattern Flag pattern (one of valid patterns — default plain see flag_pattern from the specs on the demo site)
cost Total cost of the buggy (calculated when it was submitted)
race_position If race has been run, the finishing position of this buggy: -1 did not start, 0 did not finish, +n position
violations_str If race has been run, comma-separated list of names of rule violations that disqualified this buggy from the race (so: race_position will be -1)

The user_id is used by the race server to correctly record the results of the race when it is uploaded after having been run. It’s generally not used by the race-player (in anticipation of replaying the race independently of the race server).

The two result items are race_position and violations_str which can only be populated once the race has been run — so they might be absent, or null.

Fields in each events turn

The events field is an array of arrays, each one comprised of the events that happened in that second of the race (the first array, index 0, being the first second after the start. Effectively each second is a “turn” in the race.

Field Value
b Buggy name — this is a string match on the corresponding buggy name in the buggies array
d Delta: distance along track that this buggy moves this “turn”
e Event type (if any): used by the race player to trigger custom behaviour (e.g., a fire attack might trigger an animation of a fireball)
s String describing the event

b: Buggy name

The buggy name is used to identify the buggy throughout the race — they are guaranteed to be unique within the race. They are lower case (because that’s a requirement of the buggy owner’s username on the race server where the buggy originates).

d: Delta (distance moved along track)

The “delta” is added to the buggy’s linear position along the track. Therefore a missing delta, or a delta of 0, result in no movement. In theory, a negative detla would move a buggy in reverse.

e: Event type

An event does not need to have an event type. But if it does, the race player can triggert appropriate behaviour. The default race runner currently generates two possible events by way of an example:

Event type Code Detail
PUNCTURE p A puncture causes a loss of tyre (automatically replaced with a spare tyre, if available)
CHASSIS_FAIL xc End of race: chassis breaks (typically because it wasn’t strong enough for the mass of the buggy). Potentially other failure might be prefixed with x.

The race player can use these events to trigger animations or special messages in thew race player. The race player should ignore event types it doesn’t recognise or know how to handle.

Example race file

Example race file format:

  "race_file_url": "",
  "title": "First race",
  "description": "Introductory one-lap race",
  "cost_limit": 200,
  "max_laps": 1,
  "track_image_url": "",
  "track_svg_url": "",
  "league": "",
  "version": "1.0",
  "start_at": "2023-07-20 23:58",
  "raced_at": "2023-07-21 09:00",
  "buggies_entered": 15,
  "buggies_started": 12,
  "buggies_finished": 8,
  "buggies": [
      "username": "foxglove",
      "user_id": 11,
      "flag_color": "yellow",
      "flag_color_secondary": "red",
      "flag_pattern": "dstripe",
      "cost": 96,
      "race_position": 11,
      "violations_str": ""
      "username": "johanna",
      "user_id": 16,
      "flag_color": "#640044",
      "flag_color_secondary": "black",
      "flag_pattern": "plain",
      "cost": 194,
      "race_position": -1,
      "violations_str": "RACE_COST_THRESHOLD,ENOUGH_TYRES"
  "events": [
      {"b": "auberon",  "d": 10.0},
      {"b": "ethel", "d": 5.0},
      {"b": "foxglove", "d": 27.0},
      {"b": "gault", "d": 8.0}, 
      {"b": "matthew", "e": "p", "s": "puncture! now running on 3 of 4 wheels"},
      {"b": "mervyn", "d": 11.0},
      {"b": "foxglove", "s": "is out of power (and has no auxillary power)"},
      {"b": "gault", "d": 1.0},
     {"b": "gault", "s": "crosses the finish line in 8th place (1 lap race)"}