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Software & licensing

License: GNU Affero GPL

The race server and buggy editor are both made available under the the GNU Affero General Public License: a free, copyleft license (see for details).

In practice this means: you and your institution don’t have to pay to use it — there’s nothing to buy, because the whole thing is made freely, explicitly available for you — and you can modify it and even improve it (but if you do, you should make those improvements available to other people too).

See the race server’s LICENSE.txt

This is free and open source software:
“Free as in speech, free as in beer”

Remember to teach your students about Open Source software :-)

Software shout-out

This is a Python project.

Flask is made available under a BSD license.

The Buggy Editor uses an SQLite database.

The tech notes are published using Pelican, a static site generator written in Python (we migrated the tech notes away from Jekyll because the race server already has a dependency on Python).

The animated SVG diagrams are made with KeyShape (Mac only), which exports JavaScript released under the MIT license. The diagrams play step-by-step (with captions) using KeyshapeDiagram (which was written for this purpose).

Some image tweaks were made in Krita, an open source painting program. PNG optimisation by ImageOptim.

If the Buggy Racing project is useful to you, you (or your students) may also benefit from CompSci superbasics.

The LaTeX CSS stylesheet (used to provide the optional “fake LaTeX” feature of the tech notes) is by Vincent Dörig and is available under the MIT License.

The tech notes theme itself is based on jekyll-theme-hacker (licensed under CCO).

Version control by Git.

This documentation site is produced by Jekyll using the Just the Docs theme, and is hosted on GitHub pages.